CSV Limited is the legal entity for Balcombe Grammar School, Casey Grammar School & Clyde Grammar. The CSV Limited Board is responsible for the overall governance of the schools which includes setting the strategic direction, monitoring and approving budgets, and reviewing the schools’ performances.
By delegation of the CSV Board, the Principal of each school, together with the Executive Director Corporate Services, is responsible for all activities associated with the internal operations of each school, including matters such as staff selection and development of educational policy. The Principals and Executive Director Corporate Services are ex-officio members of the CSV Limited Board.
CSV Limited is a company limited by guarantee. The Board of CSV Limited operates pursuant to its Constitution and its Charter.
The following officeholders make up the CSV Limited Board:
Company Secretary
The Board has established the following committees to assist in carrying out its duties:
“The Board is committed to ensuring that CSV Limited maintains a genuine focus on providing challenging, enriching and supportive learning environments within the parameters of its vision”
~Mr Malcolm Wells – Chair