
We offer a diverse range of activities both on and offsite as an essential part of learning.

Active Community Program (ACP)

Active Community Program (ACP)

The Active Community Program at Balcombe Grammar School provides fortnightly participation for our Foundation to Year 8 students to engage in a vast range of activities both within our school, and our broader local community.

Whether it be a physical activity to get the blood pumping, a gentler approach through mindfulness, or simply sharing time with community groups, ACP sessions are focused on embedding the importance of both physical and emotional wellbeing, through exposure to a broad range of opportunities designed to highlight these key life skills.

We are so fortunate to live on the magnificent Mornington Peninsula with easy access to a myriad of locations via a short walk or a brief bus ride, enabling us to explore beyond the school gates. Some of our recent ACP activities include:

  • creating positive relationships in sharing the learning of ballroom dancing with visitors from local aged care facilities
  • honing the sailing skills required to safely manage and navigate a vessel on the water
  • visiting environmental organisations such as REPLAS, and creating awareness about how to close the recycling loop
  • demonstrating resourcefulness in learning bush skills such as orienteering
  • appreciating cultural practices of Tai Chi, exercising both mind and body
  • opportunities to connect with family volunteers through activities such as knitting and cooking.

We are extremely proud of our innovative community focused program, as it continues to create opportunities for our students to develop the fundamental skills necessary to form strong connections and thrive in our ever-changing world. 


Our Instrumental Music Program continues to grow at Balcombe with a wide variety of opportunities for students to engage in their passion including instrumental lessons, classroom music and ensembles. Under the guidance of our passionate and dedicated staff, our instrumental music program is continuing to evolve with a strong presence in the wider community along, an increasing number of ensembles and with plans for a Performing Arts Centre to be developed in the coming years.
Performing Arts

Performing Arts

All students have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of Performing Arts through classroom activities, the Year 9 STRIVE Program and Year 6 Shakespeare play. In addition to these opportunities our annual school production is open to all interested secondary students and is certainly a highlight on the school calendar.


Participation in sport can provide many positive physical, mental and social benefits. Physically active students have been found to achieve better academic results and physical activity has been positively linked to concentration, memory and behaviour. At Balcombe our students have the opportunity to participate in sport through Physical Education classes, zone/district competitions, House Competition, Lightning Premiership competition and SIS weekly and carnival competitions.
SIS Cultural

SIS Cultural

Secondary students have the opportunity to represent Balcombe in a variety of cultural events including Book in a Day, Performing Arts, MasterChef, Debating, Public Speaking and Chess.
Programs and Clubs

Programs and Clubs

Our program and club opportunities provide an avenue for our students to step out of their comfort zones, explore new passions and learn new skills. Currently opportunities such as Equestrian, the Duke of Edinburgh program and Auslan Club are available to our students.


Developing leadership skills and teamwork

Food, Health and Sustainability

Food, Health and Sustainability

Ensuring students understand the importance